Data Management and Data Governance 103: The Yang Force of Data Management

2023-03-23T12:17:15+00:00October 28th, 2019|Data Management & Data Governance 101|

I would like to take a closer look at data management, as it is the ‘Yang force’ in this duality, meaning it has an active, and leading role within the relationship...

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Data Management & Data Governance 102: DAMA-DMBOK and DCAM Discrepancies

2023-03-23T12:12:03+00:00October 6th, 2019|DAMA-DMBOK2 vs DCAM®, Data Management & Data Governance 101|

In this article, I aim to explore the deeper discrepancies between DAMA-DMBOK and DCAM in the approaches and to discuss possible reasons for that...

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Data Lineage 102: Definition and Key Components

2023-03-22T19:01:04+00:00March 13th, 2019|Data Lineage 101|

Nowadays, when someone starts talking to me about data lineage, the first question I ask is: ‘what do you mean by “data lineage”’? What is your understanding of data lineage? Believe it or not, but so far, I haven’t met a person whose definition and understanding of data lineage has perfectly corresponded with mine, or others that I have encountered over the years. The reason for that is that you...

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