Data Lineage 101: What’s so Special about Data lineage?
During the past few years, I have noticed a quick growth of interest towards data lineage. Data lineage has become a hot topic in the data management community. Being deeply involved in practical implementation of data lineage for the past two years, I would like to share my knowledge and experience with you...
Data Lineage 102: Definition and Key Components
Nowadays, when someone starts talking to me about data lineage, the first question I ask is: ‘what do you mean by “data lineage”’? What is your understanding of data lineage? Believe it or not, but so far, I haven’t met a person whose definition and understanding of data lineage has perfectly corresponded with mine, or others that I have encountered over the years. The reason for that is that you...
Data Lineage 103: Legislative Requirements
Let's take a look at the requirements from the viewpoint of legislation.BSBC239 (PERDARR) and GDPR as key legislative triggers for data lineageAs an example, we will take requirements of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's standard number 239 “Principles for effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting” (BCBS239 or PERDARR)1and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)2...
Data Lineage 104: Documenting Data Lineage
In this article, I would like to discuss and give my answer to the most complicated question: how should data lineage be documented? Before you even start thinking about documenting data lineage, there are a few crucial decisions to be made beforehand? What is the scope of data lineage in your situation?What method of documentation will you choose...
Data lineage 105: Implementation guidelines
If by now you have decided that you and your company are ready to continue this journey and start the implementation of data lineage, let’s draft the key steps you need to take.Before we start, it is worth mentioning that an established data management framework and collaboration between data management professionals and stakeholders are a prerequisite for successful...